Sunday, October 15, 2006

im back yet again(:
now after exams already.
so i have the time to blog.

i have nothing else to say.(x
going to edit the template part.

jun ting fan club.
7:11 AM ♥

Thursday, August 24, 2006

no one is posting this blog><
damn sad....
plus junting fan club has no fans><
another sad part...
ohh nevermind
back to the point

junting getting more pervertic!
[im speaking the truth!]

not sure what else to blog.
maybe going to get more people to blog here or something

jun ting fan club.
2:39 AM ♥

Friday, August 18, 2006

jun ting last year!woots she look so funny looking back at the past.btw chih xian was beside her.
that time when we go science centre 1e7!

jun ting on 7th july 2006 sibei spastic can?
haha..she actually dont want me to take de lorhh

more photos next time?
(: byes....jessica

jun ting fan club.
6:12 AM ♥

woohoo! junting is soooo cute cute! look at the pic if you dun believe!
OH! IM GONNA CREATE SHUYAN's fan club as well! ehh, later den go post the link!

jun ting fan club.
5:42 AM ♥

lol.just created this new blog for junting!
her fan club sehh....
so anyone interested to join?
then can blog about her and everything else!

for details e-mail or msn me at

btw nice blog ehh?
i created it myself
next i am going to post her pictures man...
make her famous!

jun ting fan club.
5:10 AM ♥


jun ting FAN CLUB

ip jun ting
born on 28 january
studying in yishun town
class 2e5
cca YTWO
instrument FRENCH HORN

made for jun ting cause we "LOVE" her too much le!


jessica gan[FOUNDER!]
cheryl tham[FOUNDER!]
chermaine yong
carol ng
chermaine cheong
christina chan
jessica toh


more pictures of junting!
gossip about junting(:
her to find her TRUE LOVE [gee...see we are not totally evil people]
videos of junting(:


chermaine yong;
jessica gan;
jessica toh;


special thanks to


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designed by